How to be safe, when the world ends??

keep waiting, as we research through the possibility of pole shift and its consequences....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Japan Earthquake Might Trigger a California Quake

An unfounded scientific assertion by a nonscientist has swept across the Web like a tsunami over the past few days. In an article in Newsweek, writer Simon Winchester claimed that the 9.0-magnitude Japan earthquake, following close on the heels of recent quakes in New Zealand and Chile, has ratcheted up the chances of a catastrophic seismic event striking in California.

"The real threat to the San Francisco Bay region over the next 30 years comes not from a 1906-type earthquake, but from smaller (magnitude about 7) earthquakes occurring on the Hayward fault, the Peninsula segment of the San Andreas fault, or the Rodgers Creek fault," Williams wrote.

So, anyway we cannot do any prediction whatever, rather than wait and see.

Make sure to keep updated with the news and be safe...

Radiation found in seawater near Fukushima plant

The news came as nations near and far tried to assess the potential reach of the radiation released from the troubled nuclear reactors.

At the same time, one official at the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed concern about the flow of information from Japan.
South Korean media reported that seafood imports from Japan dropped amid consumer concerns about radiation contamination. Minuscule amounts of radioactive particles from Fukushima were detected in Iceland, Reuters news agency reported, citing a Vienna-based U.N. monitoring agency.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Supermoon 19th March

Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters?

Richard Nolle, a noted astrologer who runs the website, hasAccording to John Vidale, a seismologist at the University of Washington in Seattle and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, particularly dramatic land and ocean tides do trigger earthquakes. "Both the moon and sun do stress the Earth a tiny bit, and when we look hard we can see a very small increase in tectonic activity when they're aligned," Vidale told Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to
 famously termed the upcoming full moon at lunar perigee (the closest approach during its orbit) an "extreme supermoon."

According to Wilcock, earthquake activity in subduction zones at low tides is 10 percent higher than at other times of the day, but he hasn't observed any correlations between earthquake activity and especially low tides at new and full moons. Vidale has observed only a very small correlation.



'West gathers forces as Gaddafi forces claim 'victory is in sight'

'Awesome, it's the end of the world'

 Travelling in a convoy of five caravans, the doom-mongers are adamant that Jesus is coming in three months.
And for anyone harbouring doubts over the accuracy of the prediction, the group has a cast iron answer - 'the Bible guarantees it'.
Collection: The family radio faithful pose in front of their convoy of caravans.

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